
Sinus pain after routine cleaning?

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I had a routine cleaning yesterday. I have gum disease. One of my upper molars hurt and I told the dentist. They took a panorax and I was told that the main was due to my sinuses. Today my tooh pain alternates with jaw pain and temple pain all in the same side. I believe that I have a bad sinus infecction now, could the routine cleaning made things worse?




  1. Gum disease is a result of bad digestion and sinus problems are typically also due to bad digestion.  A diseased liver or a weak liver due to toxins can definitely cause sinus problems.  Doctors and dentists treat symptoms, not root causes of disease.  Many diseases and health conditions are caused by infected teeth.  A lot of the so called "standard of care" that dentists use can cause many problems for the body.  The ADA (American Dental Association) is not our friend.  

    You can fix the gum disease by cleaning up your intestines and making some changes in your diet, as well as rubbing some herb based products on your gums and then go to a good biological dentist and have ALL the amalgam fillings removed, have the root canals redone the right way, and get the extractions fixed to eliminate the cavitations of your jaw fixed.  The SAD (standard American diet) is the major factor in causing many diseases we face in America today.  

    To alleviate the gum disease issue, you should be taking Neem Oil mixed 50/50 with Neem Bark and rubbing it on your gums morning and night.  This will stop the bleeding in one day and start the healing process.  Then you need to look very seriously at your diet, especially the types of oils and fats you are consuming or not consuming.  Many Americans are very deficient in fats due to the ignorant "food experts" that are promoting these low fat diets that are so destructive.

    I strongly suggest you seek out a Certified Nutritional Therapist to help you with your diet and possibly supplements that will help put you on the road to health, not drugs.

    good luck to you

  2. it's an infection; it would have gotten worse whether you went to the dentist or not.

    when my clients have this i do a manual lymphatic drain massage with a steam facial (with aromatherapy) and (sinus) pressure point massage. it takes about 1 1/2 - 2 hours and within 3 days the infection is gone. that's about the time it takes to get an (emergency) appointment where i live.

    if you can get appointment for antibiotics sooner - do it.

  3. this is most likely coincidental with a sinus infection that's not caused by periodontitis.

    A cleaning does not cause sinusitis

  4. Well considering you have large sinus cavities above your molars on your upper teeth  some people have ones that are really low and even a sinus infection and be the cause of a tooth ache. It is very possible you may have a sinus cold or even an infection in you gums or around the roots of your molars that can cause your sinuses to act up i would go to the denist to evaluate just incase b.c if you have an infection it wont get any better  

  5. And if they pain alternates with your jaw it could be that you are grinding your teeth at night and that is flaring things up a bit.  Ask your dentist about a nightguard if you think you are clenching and grinding.

    You can't fix gum disease with a diet change.  Gum disease is bone loss (of the jaw), and no diet is going to magically regrow bone in your jaw.  The bone loss is caused by toxins (bacteria found in plaque and tarter) eating away tissue causing deep pockets to form in the gums.  It (the bacteria) then gets to level where it can eat away at the jaw bone.  The only way to "fix" it is to maintain it.  The bone height will never grow back by itself but the deep pocket can shrink up to help keep the bacteria out of bone destroying level.  But in order for that to happen you must have all the toxins clean from below the gumline first ("scaling and rootplaining treatment") and THEN think about homecare and diet.  But if you don't remove the source, it can not be maintained.

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