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I have like really bad pressure in my head and around my throat, and on the sides of my neck. Is this sinus? Can my throat close up or airway or something? There's so much pressure it feels kinda hard to breath.... What is this???? I'm not wheezing or anything.




  1. take tylenol and then don't think about it (watch tv)

  2. It could be several things.....sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, pharyngitis, strept throat, tonsulitis. I recommend seeing a physician. You probably need antibiotics to cure whatever it is.

  3. your sinuses is the airway of your nose, leading up to your brain. if you have a stuffed up nose, this means you have clogged sinuses. one thing to do is put some Vicks Vapo Rub under your nose, or you could sleep with a humidifier at night. These things are sure to help.

    Around your head, throat and neck?

    this doesnt sound like normal sinus problems.

    You should seek medical attention from your doctor as soon as you can.

    best luck.

  4. well wat i use at night is you'll find in stores a green bottle sorry don't know what its called

  5. idk

  6. dude ur crazy 4 thinking that it could close up an airway or something im goin w/ Mr. Singh or watever his name is

  7. I already told you its not sinus. If its in the cavities just above the eyes, below the eyes, and the nose then its sinus headache or your sinuses are clogged. I dont think this is sinus. If its your throat then its not sinus you have have a sore throat but id go to the hospital and have them check it.

    Edit- I think what your having is a tension headache

  8. allergies to something probably

    u sshould check it with the doctor

  9. it probably is sinues

    i would get an appointment with your doctor

    and i know this is gross but when you blow your nose if its a bright yellow or green color it could be a sinus infection and you need to get anti-biotics so you need to go to the doctor

    your throat is not going to close up unless you are having an allergic reaction with hives, and such [[if you have anaphylaxis]]

    or unless you are asthmatic

    until you do get to the doctor i would recommend taking sudafed

    it really helps with the pressure, take it in the morning because it makes you awake so dont take it at night

  10. Get some Vick's or chili powder (which ever you have)  if that helps, it is sinus.  Dampen a washcloth & fold into a small square, microwave for 2 minutes,  it's hot place it on the most pressured point & unfold for heat as needed.  If your throat is sore too, it may be sinusits,  for that you need a doc & perscription.

  11. sneezeing

  12. Call the doctor NOW

  13. Having pressure around your throat isn't a normal sinus symptom. Seek medical attention.  

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