
Sirens On Personal Vehical??

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Ok so yesteray I was driving up a mountain road near my house called Skyline Rd. and a mountain biker approached us and pleaded for help for his very badly injured biker friend at the top of the hill. since im a lifeguard we sped up to get him then drove as fast as we could down the one lane steep dirt road to the hospital. multiple times we almost hit pedestrians and other cars around the bends. we've been in many many similar situations before becuase we are avid offroaders and i was wondering if it would be legal to have an ambulance siren mounted on my truck incase it happens again?

please only answer if you know for sure itd be legal again we'd only use it in lifethreating emergencies in dangerous areas. i live in CA.




  1. As long as you never use it, it is legal to have one, but impersonating an emergency vehicle is a felony in many states.

    In the event of an emergency, I suppose you could be deemed a "private ambulance" and not be ticketed, you might even receive a police escort.  It is also legal to have flashing lights as long as they are amber, not red and blue, which are reserved for EMS and Police.

  2. You are just like my wife. She keeps talking about how she wants a "woo-woo" for her car. But she just wants it so she can get to WalMart quicker. The fact is that many people don't pay a d**n bit of attention to the sound of sirens. I once had to run Code 3 at a blazing 55mph because the semi trucks wouldn't move over for my cruiser. It scares me that you would take an injured person and load them into a personal vehicle, rather than call an ambulance. At least with an ambulance they can get medical care enroute to the hospital. It also scares me that you would place the lives of pedestrians and other motorists at serious risk of injury or death by trying to be heroes. You would have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle if you had struck or killed someone. Lights and sirens are not like Moses parting the Red Sea.

  3. Technicaaly your not supposed to have a siren on your vehicle, however if you were stopped for such, and you were transporting a victim to a hospital, I think that you should get an escort from there and no penalty... Part of being a good Police officer is using good judgement and making judgement calls.... and a penalty for this would be silly.... then in case of penalty I would have it heard by a judge... I don't think if you never abused this siren that there would ever be a problem...

  4. Nope.  You need to be a real emergency vehicle for that.

  5. sorry dude  need to be a pd of some sorts

    good luck

    ps i life in cali also

  6. The California law prohibited you from having a siren on your personal vehicle unless you are with the police department or volunteer firefighter.........

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