I'm thinking of getting a satelite radio for myself, but I'm not really sure how it works or if it'd be right for me. I understand that it's 13 bucks a month, but than what are those prepaid cards for? anyhoo, I bike to work everyday and usually listen to my ipod on the way (just under an hour) so I rarely use my car, and I'm not sure if it'd get enough use in the house, so what do you recomend for me? I heard that you can buy those personal ones that are kinda like an mp3 player, but I read somewhere that you have to have it docked in your car or house for it to be live so I dunno if I'm really up for that? anyhoo, what is the startup cost for a house unit, personal unit, or a vehicle? also what does it cost you and would you recomend it. Do you have one? and what do you use if for? any good (or bad) reviews?