
Siruis satellite radio?

by  |  earlier

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my connection is lost because my antenna is broken. i have the indoor/outdoor antenna. I hate having to drag it outside. I was wondering what is better the indoor/outdoor antena or the roof mounting antenna? How does the roof mounting antenna work? Do I have to brng the cable from inside to outside or keep my window open a little.




  1. This antenna

    is really good.  No matter what, you need to run the cable from outside to inside your house.  You can find a creative way to do this.  Just be careful about shutting a window over the cable.

  2. try a coat hanger if that doesn't work upgrade to rabbit ears (available @ radio shack under $10*)

    *i was not paid for this endorsement

  3. Derek gets it.

    Kara - rethink your answer.

    Sirius and XM both have excellent support. Be sure to call them if you have trouble installing the antenna Derek recommends.

    1-888-539-SIRIUS (7474)

    -a guy named duh

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