I let my sis play with my dwarf hamster but while she was lying on her bed with it she rolled OVER, she crushed the poor thing, and now one of its back leg looks messed up, i picked it up and it looks like the leg is about to fall off (there is a red ring now on the leg, and there is no fur there, i dont know how to describe it might be bone poking out), i took the hamster and put it in its cage (i ripped out the exercise wheel and tubes so its only the ground floor now, and i grabbed a couple empty 1 liter pepsi bottles and i took their caps and filed one cap with water and the other with food, so he does not have to reach and put it in the cage, i grabbed some bedding and made it a area to lay down in, do i just let it heal on it own or should i take it to the vet? my hamster looks very scared and is huddling in a corner now.
my sis weighs about 100 pounds if that helps, im not sure what part of her she rolled over him with.
its midnight now so no vets open i think.