Both of them are VERY promiscuous! Like when I say "VERY" I mean VEERRRYYYYY haha But I don't get it O_o I mean from what I've heard (I know too much >.<) my sister doesn't even move when she has s*x with these guys, doesn't even make a sound. It was bound to happen, but I know some of the guys she's rooted >.< and they talk (as guys do) and tell me things I DON'T WANNA KNOW :'(
But I mean... Okay.. like.... my sister doesn't enjoy it.. yet... her number is around 190 O_O I know! I didn't even think that's possible. I don't even think I KNOW 200 people O_o She outbeat my mother by 40! I mean... there's got to be something wrong. That seems like a sign for "Problems" for both of them! I'm only 1. And when my sister was my age it was 43, my mother I think was around 70. What is wrong with them?