
Sister doesn't wear retainer when she is supposed to?

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How do I somehow mention to my parents that my 15 year old younger sister doesn't wear her retainer like she is supposed to. She is supposed to wear it 24/7 but she only puts it in like everyother night. It is really annoying too because:

1. when I got my braces off my parents made sure that I was wearing my retainer 24/7 like the ortho said. And I didn't mind that because I knew if I didn't my teeth would mess up.

2. My sister just wears hers when she feels like it and my parents don't even check to make sure she is wearing it. They have probably forgotten that she even has to wear one!

3. The sad thing is she just got her braces off about a month ago and she is probably going to mess up her mouth if she keeps doing this.

4. I'm tired of her getting away with stuff in general.

5. Oh, and she even lies to the orthodontist when he asks if she is wearing it 24/7, she says ,"yes. I do" and i'm like oh my heck!

I tried bringing this up before and she doesn't care so i've stopped talking to her about it. I just don't know how to tell my parents this so they will start making sure she wears it and stuff. Thanks




  1. My teeth shifted 10 years after I got my braces off because I started grinding my teeth at night while I was in college and yes, I stopped wearing my retainer about then too because my sleep schedule was so screwed up and well I could do it since I was not at home. Do I regret it. YES! I had to have braces on the bottom again and now that I am older they are shifting again... Is there anyway you could casually just mention to your parents (which ever one you are closer too) and ask how come they never seem to nag the little one about her 24/7 retainer issue like they did with you?   It will be her with the ugly smile and you with the shiny straight pearly whites... but I do see your point. It is only my sister and I and I am the baby... well younger of the 2!  

  2. Just leave her alone.  I never wore mine 24/7 and my teeth never shifted back.

    *Well I got my braces off over 8 years ago, so im sure if anything would of happend it would of by now.*

  3. Telling on someone to get them in trouble is not an acceptable reason to tell on them. I realize that it's your little sister and she's not being held to the same set of rules you were held to but it doesn't matter. Look at the big did what you were supposed to do in order to have nice pretty teeth but you sister is going to mess hers up. It's up to your parents to keep track of that since they have invested money in it and if they aren't...just leave it alone and know it will bite your little sister in the butt and she will have to pay for it in time.

    I am a middle child and my little sister was babied while I did all the chores and dishes so I know how you feel. My older siblings went to my grandmothers to live when I was young so I became the oldest in the house and it sucked but now I am older and my life is siblings can't say that. Just live your teens and know that it will be a small memory once you are older and just worry about doing the best you can to be successful in your future.

    The only time to tell on a sibling is when they doing something that could be endangering to their own lives. Take care

  4. wow....maybe YOU should do what u are supposed to do. im the one that actually does the things mom tells us to do...

    oh and to answer ur second to last question in ur list...:


    i was sick!! and you have NO IDEA what kind of allergies i go through. you think im just blowing off thigns but im really not. and the sad part is, you think im allways gettign the better end of things...and im really not, i have to pick up ur slack all the tiem!! and that one time my ears hurt was because of the pressure of c**p in my nose thats what the doctor said, YOU WERENT THERE so how would u know??

    and just saying...u r different than me!

  5. it'll be her fault when her teeth arent straight

  6. It is very good of you to look out for your sister's welfare, even when your parents are lacking in this department... at least it seems this way.

    As always, girls usually get away with more especially seeming in your case she is the 'baby'... unless you have other siblings. I would give her the advise and she is old enough to understand right from wrong. If she chooses to do wrong then she knows the out come from it.

    Just go on with your life and don't let this situation bother you. From what you have said you've done all that you can do.  

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