
Sister has 6 children! what do i buy for them?

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I know it's early but i'm thinking of chirstmas already. My sister has 6 children. Their ages range form newborn to 8 years old. I can't aford to get them each a present this year as i have just had my firstborn. Money has been a little tight.

I was thinking of getting them a joint gift or two joint gifts. does anyone have any ideas on what to buy for them?




  1. Books

    Art supplies

    A day/afternoon each individually at your house (kind of like an Aunt Camp - maybe not for the newborn)

    Play stores stuff (cash register, play money, shopping cart)

    Movie gift card to use whenever (wrap candy or make up a box with cut outs of popular kids' movies)

    Also, shop now for garage sales or consignment stores.  I know that sounds tacky but I have had garage sales myself where I have sold brand new items that we got as gifts and either my kids already had the item or we ended up just not playing with it.   Also, some of my kids' favorite toys came from garage sales.  

    And finally - consider a grab bag gift idea.  That's where everyone puts their name in a hat and pulls out one person to buy for, with a $ limit.  We had to do this in our family as it has grown to 22 in our immediate family.

  2. You can get them something like a Play Station 3 or a Wii.... (I know it's a little pricey, but if you consider the cost of all the gifts combined its not that bad!)

    You would be the coolest aunt around, and a lot of games (esp for the wii) are for multiple ages.


    choose the personality on their quiz for each kid and it has the best picks for them

  4. Wow! You could give them each like a crisp $5 bill in a card! Kids love money :) Or you could get them like something to play with, like a slip and slide, one of those crazy fun sprinklers, or a fisher price bball hoop. SOmething they could play with together!

  5. I would get them some board games (whatever your budget allows) so they can play them together.  Shoots and ladders, Sorry, etc. - all the classics.

  6. you can get them....

    some board games

    go to a store and buy them an outfit.  ( a store that doesnt cost alot.)

      just give them some money

  7. I would seriously consider buying a kareoke machine. I know it sounds silly but kids LOVE them. They don't care if they are off key and now you can get SO many different disks with kids songs on them. It may sound costly but you can get a relativly decent one for under $100 (I got one from walmart for $60 and I have a home daycare so it gets TONS of use...its lasted for over a year already and is still working great). You can even buy them now with little video cameras in them so the kids can make their own music videos with special effects and stuff...but they're a little more money. Then you could buy them each a disk of songs that are more apropriate for their age (each disk is anywhere from $5-$10). The only one it doesn't pertain to is the newborn...but I doubt you'll find anything that a newborn and 8 year old both like and the newborn will be the only one who doesn't feel 'dissapointed'. You could wrap each of their disks seperate so they each get a little gift to open and have the kareoke machine ready for when they are confused about their gift. I have a cousin with 5 kids and every year for christmas I get them all 1 gift instead of 5 seperate. Its allways a big hit and they manage to share it really well.

  8. I would put them each one a little money 5 or 10 each or what ever you can do in a Christmas card of there on and let them get there self a little something they wont congratulations on your new baby also

  9. maybe a movie that they can all watch

  10. ~A board game (Candy Land, Trouble, Life...).  

    ~A  family movie with popcorn, candy, Capri Sun's

    ~Baked goodies baked by you

    ~A gift certificate to a family oriented place like a miniature golf course

    ~Gift certificates to Dairy Queen

  11. 6?!?!??

  12. what is your spending range?  maybe one of those vtech game systems.

    okay here is an idea

    a play kitchen at the dollar store is 19.99

    a big pack of play food is 4.99

    that seems like a good gift to me


    dollar store

    books $1 *6 children= $6 plus tax

    toys that are a dollar/packs of cars/coloring books crayons

    play doh/ finger paint/ nstationary-stickers / craft stuff

    everythings a dollar and you can find things the kids will like it does not matter that it came from the dollar store to them

    EDIT: start now and it will cushion the holiday spending--get a big bin to hide in a closet to store gifts in

    every pay check buy something small and put it in the bin---visit clearance aisles, dollar stores, sales can go to this bin for birthdays, holidays etc...for friends and family not just the kids--a few weeks ago I saw a $50 stainless steel trash can in the clearance aisle for $15 because of a small ding you could hardly notice--I wish I would have bought it but had more important things on my mind that day (my wedding)

    Anyway, trust me this is good to do even if you have money to spend because you will always have a gift even if you forget or get a last minute invite.

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