
Sister is irresponsible??

by  |  earlier

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I'm 29, my sister is 31. I have an 11 month old baby and a bull mastiff dog...and my husband works two jobs to pay the bills. Plus, I work two jobs as well....and I am always home alone taking care of the kiddo (hubby works a day and night job). Anyways. To get to my question. My sister keeps asking me to watch her two big lab dogs...who have NO manners. And, they won't stay outside in the backyard without barking constantly, and scratching at the door (they have even broken off the bottom metal runner by scratching at it). One of them chewed up ALL of the stuffed animals in my daughters toybox in about an hour, plus some of her clothes, my kitchen towels, a pacifier and peed on my couch. Oh yeah, and a couple of her books. So, here's my question. My sister is supposed to be packing for her to move, which is why I am watching her awful dogs. But, last weekend, she told me that she was at a club with her friends every night, and even spent the night with her friends. Then went to Schiltterban and some festival. And, tonight, she is going out to yet ANOTHER club to get wasted. What would you do if you were me? Beside the obvious of telling her 'no' next time she asks me to watch them. How would you tell her that this is just not right? I have told her that the dogs are driving me crazy and she doesn't seem to care. Any advice? Because right now, I'm super mad at her.




  1. Send her dogs to the animal shelter.

  2. I wouldn't even wait until next time.  If you have a key to her place, take the dogs back asap before they wreck anything else at your house.  Did she even offer to pay you for the damage?  If you don't have a key, take them back anyways and chain them securely in her yard.  Then when she calls you to tell you how annoyed she is, tell her she can be annoyed when she starts being responsible.  That's what I would want to do but it's hard for me to imagine one of my siblings taking advantage of me that way.

    If you don't want to go quite that far, just tell her, when she comes to get the dumb things, that you're NOT looking after the dogs again because their behaviour and hers has really upset you.  If she's an adult, she'll respect your decision.  If she's a child, she'll stomp off and think you're a mean sister but at least you won't be taken advantage of anymore.

    Best of luck!

  3. Just go talk to your sister and give it to her staright about the dogs, But dint yell at her tell her she may need to find someone eles to need to take care of the dogs or put them in the kennel for  a while. Its not fair for them to distroy your kids toys. talk to her and see what happens

  4. I dont know i didnt read the question

  5. Oh shut up. they are dogs, ever heard of acting like a dog? sheesh cut them some slack they have an IQ of 4

  6. well you should tell her what happened to your books and the stuffed animals and explain why you cant take care of them. It would be as bad if she was just getting wasted so i suggest that you just tell her why you cant

    you should not have to take care of her dogs

    she could take them to a kennel

    and solve many problems as well

  7. tell her their her dogs and your not responsible for them. she is repsonible for them, and if she can't take care of them she can bring them somewhere else, because you don't want to look after them FOR HER

  8. I agree with everyone saying that you need to tell her straight up that you will no longer watch her dogs. If she needs to go somewhere then she should invest in two portable kennels and let them stay in there till she comes home and if she is going to be more than a few hours, she needs to find a kennel. If she cannot take care of her own animals then they need to be sent to a no kill shelter so someone else can handle them. You don't have the time to deal with her dogs and it is completely unsanitary for them to soil your house with a baby in there. You have enough to do then to clean up after them. I would also tell her that she is responsible for their damages and give her a bill. Sorry, she is putting you through this. :(

    You have a right to be angry.

    *You need to find a home for the dogs. You are not a kennel and since she dumped them on you, you can find a home for them. Call your local vet and see if someone is in need of a dog and then find a shelter close by. Don't feel guilty, you cannot take time out from your family to deal with two dogs you don't want.*

  9. tough question sorry no advice

  10. i think the best way to get the point across would be to refuse to watch the dogs. maybe she could invest in crates for them.

  11. That's a nice picture!

    Give your sister one opportunity to come and get her mutts... at the end of the day, you will donate them to the local no-kill shelter.

    Time to quit being user-friendly.

    You don't have anything to lose... it isn't like you would leave your kid with this wino.

  12. just tell her you cant take care of the dogs bc you have a daughter to take care of...people come b4 animals...=)

    help me?;...

  13. i would be pissed too. does your sis ever watch your daughter.  maybe you could volunteer to watch them at her place, and let them destroy everything. see how she likes it?

  14. I think it's obvious that you have to tell her outright, 'I'm not watching your dogs anymore. I did it as a favor since you needed some help, but you seem to have the time to go out and party."

    Something along the lines of that.  

  15. Tell her how you truly feel. Let her know that you don't want to watch her dogs anymore. Maybe another option is to help her pack. Let her know that you want to help, but not if she's not willing to be responsible.  

  16. I'm an older sister and I would NEVER disrespect my sister  in this fashion or any other for that matter. How ever, you are part to blame for enabling her. As for me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    "Hey sis, that you? I couldn't hear over the music, glad your having a nice time, wish I  was, just wanted to let you know your dogs are at the pound and they need a $100  required donation if you want to get em out

    so dont go and spend your last $100 bucks you fu$%#@ spoiled ingrate!!!!!! Were not little anymore and if you cant produce your license that says your a princess I dont tolerate disrespect from anyone,,,,INCLUDING YOU!!!!!!!

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