
Sisters, what wifely duties you think are your responsibility?

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Sisters, what wifely duties you think are your responsibility?




  1. According to Islam we must take care & upbring his children rite

    Look after his wealth, his house & his nafs." Nafshi, wa erdihi wa malihi"

    Allah nos est.

  2. If you don't work-Clean the house, do laundry, make dinner, & (if you have kids) watch the kids get them ready for school.

    If you work-It should be equal maybe do laundry since most men don't put i think taking turns making dinner or doing dishes is fair. If you both work it should be equal responsibility to keep the house clean.

  3. To please him- If he is happy, Allah is happy.

  4. to make myself happy............

    me and my boyfriend share the household duties

    it is 2008 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Staying buck A naked with my legs spread.......................mmmmmm  Works for me....................!=)I

  6. cook clean s*x

  7. me personally, do house chores, cook, and raise the kids. make sure i greet him with a smile when he comes home from work. talk softly to him and try to avoid and problems whoatsoever. respect his parents like they are mine.

    A wifes responsibility is not all about the cleaning and cooking and raising kids. Being a wife is a big responsibility, more than him working.  

  8. LOL at KInza I agree with her :D

  9. Shut up and get back in the kitchen

    JUST KIDDING, Don't report me

  10. Cook, clean, take care of the kids.

  11. Keep my husband happy for what ever fair demands he does, after all I am his wife...

    and I'll do mine....lolz.......after all I'd be his wife!

  12. What do you do when you hit your wife with the car?

    ...nothing what was she doing out of the kitchen

  13. to love my family unconditionally.

  14. I think keeping the house picked up and neat is EVERYONE'S job, seeing as how it's not just one person making a mess. My husband and I split the dishes responsibility in half. The major cleaning, like scrubbing, dusting, mopping, sweeping, etc. is my job just because I feel like I do it the right way lol! My daughter gives me a hand with a lot of things though. I also do the laundry most of the time. But my job in "deep" cleaning isn't so bad if everyone is doing their part to pick up after themselves.

    We split taking care of the kids, they spend equal amounts of time with each of us because we work opposite shifts. We both make meals, but on my days off, I enjoy making a really good home cooked meal for everyone.

  15. aside from the generic answer:  cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids, i say:

    supporting my husband in his efforts, trusting in him, and believing in him are also a priority...

    s*x is up there with all of those things too, as long as he hasn't tired me out from the supporting, cooking and cleaning :-)

  16. I think one of the most important thing is making him feel like a man, don't belittle him (especially in public!). Today, with women working just as hard as men (working a 9 to 5)...I think household chores should be split. Of course it is nice to clean and cook for your man, but I believe us women deserve that as well...

    *hope that helps*

  17. To love, honor, and cherish. Just as he should do to me. The other stuff liek cooking, cleaning, childcare, we split up equally or do together... its actually fun to work as a team!

    I know a lot of people answering this are of MIddle Eastern descent... and hate the Western ways... but really, you should try doing the chores together, watching the kids together. You bond so much more and grow so much more as a couple... it's not about being a "feminist", it's about wanting what's best for your family... and that's happiness!

  18. MY PERSONAL THINKING like i answered in another question, its like cooking for him, taking care of his likes and dislikes, taking care of his stuff, his clothes, his needs ~!

  19. ....teamwork .... for both people.

    respect, loyalty, honesty...for both people

    The only thing I would 'have' to be responsible for in terms of 'wifely' duties is carrying the child (in terms of pregnancy)....otherwise everything else should be shared between the two!

  20. Cooking , Cleaning the house , taking care of my babies etc...

  21. Helping him keep control of his finances ~

    giving his employer my bank details so his money gets transfered into my account


  22. Very simple:

    I'm not his mother and if he thinks I'll mother him he's sadly mistaken.

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