
Sisters baby?

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my sister is in jail for poisoning me, I can't have children because of this poisoning, and my husband and I want children very badly, she called me today and told me she was pregnant.( I still don't understand how) She will be allowed to keep the baby for two years, but she dosent want it. Can we adopt the baby? Could she take the baby back when she gets out in seven years? Any advice from someone whos been in this situation?




  1. you never know if she is going to want the baby back but if she says she doesn't want it she might not take it back.  you don't have to answer this but how did she poison you?

  2. You could adopt her baby if that’s what she wants she would have to have the father sign her rights away as well. If she is in prison since they don’t  typical house female and male prisoners together, the father has to be a guard or someone that works in the prison. Unless she was with child when she went in.  If your sister willing poisoned you I find it hard to believe a judge would find her fit to be a parent I would think she would have her rights terminated if she does not do so willing.

    If she signed her rights away and you all adopted the child she could not get the child back in 7 years. She would have a period of time she could change her mind known as the “reclaim” period but once that was up, the child would legally be yours and your husbands forever. She could not get out 7 years later and reclaim the child.  

    I would look into this if i were even more for the baby's sake.

  3. I have 2 aunts who are sisters.  My one aunt we will call her Sue had a baby and couldn't take care of her for many reasons.  My other aunt we will call her Bonnie took the baby in.  She has never legally adopted her because the father won't sign his rights away.  She did become her legal guardian though.  This has been 14 years ago now.  She still has my cousin and her sister has never tried to take her.  Neither has the babys dad.  Anyway if they decided they wanted her back it would have to go through the courts because Bonnie was appointed legal guardian and they would do what was in the best interest of the child.  Knowing my aunt Sue she would never get her back because she has alot of problems.  Now my cousin is 14 and i think she would have a say in where she wanted to go.  I think if you legally adopt the baby though and 7 years later your sister tried to get her back I don't think she could because at that point it would be to late and all her rights would have been terminated.  I hope this helps

  4. Wow what a tuff situation!  I think you should take your sisters child in and keep the child with family.  Show your sister how deep your love is even though she has tried to harm you.  I think if you adopt the child she can’t come back and take the child away. I don’t know this for a fact though. Sorry I couldn’t be of more assistance. I’ll be praying for your situation.

  5. She poisoned you ? What with ? and Why ?

    Personally in your situation NO I don't think you should adopt her baby

    That poorbaby will grow up with such a horrible complex - ie his/her mother tried to murder his aunt who is now his/her mother

    And No you cant take a baby back once its legally adopted


    ETA ? I dont understand ? you said she blames you for being taken from your Adoptive Parents ? and that she idolized your Biological Parents ?

  6. This little life that hasn't even yet layed eyes on her mother, will want someone to love him/her, As long as you are doing this not out of any selfish motives then go for it.

  7. adopt from someone else so you don't get hurt again

  8. GOD! no i wouldnt take the baby. She will always come back into yr lives to haunt u. Just let it be, IF god wants u to have a baby u will have one.

  9. If I felt I had to adopt the child, I would probably try to get a closed adoption. I'm not an advocate of closed adoption, but I do think in this case, the less the child sees the mother the better. She might try to turn it against you. There is also the worry that she could be using this pregnancy to hurt you, as it will take a few months for the adoption to be finalised, she might deliberately make you think you're going to get her child, then go back on it at the last minute to upset you.

    If I didn't feel that I had to adopt the child, I would steer clear and cut the sister out of my life. I mean, maybe it sounds harsh, but she poisoned you with rat poison/ant poison and anti-freeze/left you unable to bear children and caused the loss of two pregnancies. I would say whatever trouble she's in pregnancy-wise is not your problem.

    I personally would stop all contact with her, because she is very dangerous, if she poisoned her own sister, there's no limit to what she will do. If you still really want children, perhaps you could look into adopting a different, unrelated child, a domestic/international adoption? You could even look into surrogacy?

  10. You can apply to adopt the baby yes but she would still have to sign off.  It takes up to 6 months to finalize the adoption so she could go back on it at any time during that time but no if they adoption if finalized then she would have no rights to the baby in 7 years.  Keep in mind though that the father has a say as well and since you don't know who the father is you will have to wait for that as well as his rights would have to be taken away if he isn't willing to come forward and sign off.

  11. Can you adopt the baby?  Yes, if she AND the baby's father are offering to sign their baby over to you

    Are you ENTITLED to her baby, as you seem to be rationalizing here?  NO.

    Good luck
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