
Sisters birthday?

by Guest45297  |  earlier

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My sister is celebrating her birthday on the seventh of june, and we want to take her out we are willing to spend $100, any suggestions, by the way we live in Toronto, Ontario





  1. I don't know the Toronto area, but I do know that we need more information before offering advice.

    Are you wanting to spend $100 on her, $100 total?  How many are in your party?  That matters, because if it's $100 total and your party's 20 people, it's a lot different budgeting than if it's 4.

  2. In order to answer and suggest places, we'll have to have a little more info. Toronto is a huge place, as you well know, so a general area would help. How many people are being fed and watered on that $100.00 budget and will the beverages be alcoholic or non? You can add this additional info under additional details. Thanks.

    By the way, Happy Birthday to your sister.

    For a pleasant family gathering I like someplace like Swiss Chalet which offers an assortment of main courses, choice of side dishes, desserts, etc. It's reasonably priced and family-friendly.

    Here's a link to their menu and locator. You can have a look now so you can decide if you would like to go there.

    The Muse

    P.S. I wish I had family like you to organize MY birthday!!

  3. You should go to a nice place.
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