
Sisters ~ what do you do when?

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you're feeling *REALLY* annoyed at your husband??

How do you vent your frustration??




  1. lol, you should see my brother in law, hes always annoying my sister, on purpose, i guess he likes seeing her mad, but she just yells at him, and he will start laughing, which gets her mad more, and she knows hes doing it on purpose. lol.

  2. i'm not married , but my mom just tells my dad what annoys her , and dad the same..

    always love &peace..

  3. Lol, I think we women get annoyed by putting things into words & even express with  actions but men are really clever they just keep quite & make us explode even more.

    I do tawakal Al Allah & when I'm rite I tell my huby this is coz u were mean to me so Allah showed u who was at rite,lol.

    Trust me sis life would be so boaring with out fighting with them, coz I can't fight with anyone but me hubby,lol.

    My hubby is the crown on my head alhamdulillah.

  4. Assalamu Alaikum,

    Yes you will get reward for reading Quran in English also.  Because it is essential to read translation and learn what Allah says to Muslims and non-Muslims in Quran.  Reward of reading is lot less than understanding and following the teachings of Quran, obeying Allah and living our life in Islamic way.  Islamic teaches complete way of life.

    High majority of people of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Persia

    do not understand Arabic but their Muslim parents have children learn how to read Quran in Arabic in their child hood when children can learn any thing. They were seldom taught the Arabic language and meanings of Quranic Ayahs.  

    Alhamdu Lillah now in recent years lots of new Islamic schools have started teaching Arabic language so students can understand Quran when they reach it.

    May Allah guide us on to the true path of Islam all our lives.

  5. Oh i tell him exactly whats on my mind!! LOL!

    Also i call him by his full name, kinda like ur teacher did when ur at school!! Lols. ;)

  6. Well I usually give him a piece of my mind. I have a short fuse so I never hold things back even though I try. He on the other hand is very patient polite and considerate. We kind of balance each other out.

  7. I'm not married.

  8. It depends if your husband with take a little bit of a beating from you. If you don't think he can...then find a place to be alone for a while. Listen to angry music, scream in your pillow, whatever it takes for you to cool your nerves! I even clean when I'm angry. It's funny. Now, I'm only 14, but sometimes adults can take advice from teens, right? I hope this helps you in some way.

  9. By making too much noise in kitchen, putting spoons utensils in to sink and struggling with that.

    if that does nt work.......

  10. I always tell him, nicely or not so nicely how I feel and why I feel the way I do.  He is my husband after all so I am not going to feel shy in front of him.  The only way you work things through is through communication.  

  11. i'm not married :P lool, but whatever u do, don't try and get an argument, ain't gonna look so good :(  

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