
Sit ups? good idea or not. working on abs?

by  |  earlier

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try and do as many sit ups you can for 60 seconds each day and by the days go by, see how much you improve. does that sound smart




  1. doing situps for 60 seconds everyday is not going to do a dam thing. you might as well be doing nothing. do a serious ab workout of 1/2 hour or more.  

  2. Sure, that'll really build and rip your abdominals. But you won't be able to see those big, muscular abs unless you shed the layer of fat on top of them first, and that'll require some good cardio workouts (jogging, bike riding, etc.) to sweat off the fat.

    If you really want to build your abs, try doing 3-5 sets of various exercises. Working your abs for just 60 seconds a day won't give you any results.

    Work them for at least 30 minutes, and no more than once every 3 days. Any more than that and you won't give them time to heal. It'd be like constantly picking at a scab--it's never gonna heal and get better if you keep picking at it.

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