
Site development?

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Hi my name is saquib & i created a ebook website with many feature to download and submit free ebooks. i have good ebook collection on software and programming application, i publish my site with a domain and i also give Adbrite and third party ads in it. the reason is why i am giving this information that because i want to increment my page rank , currently my page rank is 0/10 and i want that many viewers can see my site. so please anybody help me or give any suggestion to improve my site.

warm regards

saquib qureshi




  1. Hello Saquib,

    To increase the Page Rank, build more authorized back links.

    (Authorized back links are the links which are related to your website category and the links from .edu,.org and .gov). Also, try to build  more back links from the high page rank websites so that their page rank would be shared with your website which in turn will aid your website to increase the Page Rank.

    After analyzing your website, I suggest you to opt for some real good result oriented seo serivce provider who can get you the required results.

    If you need any info, you can always write back to me and I shall be glad to address the same.


  2. Dear saquib,

    Just I done a little bit analyzed on your site. After I will decided to give some suggestion for your website.

    1. Search engine optimization is your starting point for getting traffic or page rank. After all, Google has to "like" your web pages, and people have to be able to find them. All SEO means is making your pages human and Google friendly.

    2. You website have only 12 back links how can you get good page rank of your site. so you have to do some link building process for your site. your website needs seo friendly search engines.

    3. Everyday you should spare some time of your site optimizing, for example content update or add some keywords for your site, doing link building like this...ect...

    -this is very little bit information of you have to know more thing about search engine optimization.

    Note : Page Rank is depending on so many factors.

    with regards,


  3. start by getting your website indexed by google.

    and submit a sitemap

  4. In addition to all of the other methods suggested, you can submit your site to

    Every link helps!  Good luck.

  5. 1] Advertise on free classifieds like I see even Avon's advertised there too.

    You must add url to google.

    2] Make use or set ups blogs and allow people to comment and link.

    3] submit site to free directories. and keep your site content up-to-date too!
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