
Site for car basics to learn?

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i cant speak car to save my life & my boyfriend is obsessed so i want to learn more cuz it interests me. im getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow so i thought it would be a good way to spend my time online. dont wanna take a class. do you know any sites that teach the very basics on vehicles? especially performance basics? parts, engine stuff, all that? thank you!




  1. HSW has a great selection with vids on most things.

    Wikipedia also has a nice articles on engine related stuff, but it lacks the videos/images that HSW has.

    If you would like to learn something specific about your bf's car, I suggest typing [car] forum into google and check out some of the links. Read the how to's and go impress your bf! :]

    PS: your bf is pretty lucky to have a girl that wants to learn about cars, make sure he realizes how much you tried even if you don't learn everything in one day.

  2. Yes. Go to Search for "cars", "engines", and other topics related to cars. It's easy to understand.

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