
Situations in which gheebah (“backbiting”) is permitted ?

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What are the situations in which it is permissible to talk about my Muslim brother in his absence and it will not be regarded as gheebah (backbiting)?.




  1. This will make it easy for you to learn it by means of poetry:

    Imaam as-Safaareenee said in his Mandhoomah al-Aadaab:

    والقـــــدح ليس بغيبة فـي       ستةً متظلم ومعرف ومحذر

    ولمظهر فسقاً ومستفتياً ومن        ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚·Ã™Â„ب الإعانة في إزالة منكر

    ((There is no backbiting in      

    six: the Oppressed, and to define someone and warning against an evil

    and open sinning and the one seeking a fatwa and who

    seeks to change an evil ))

    Otherwise if you have time, Imaam an-Nawawee went into more details in his Riyaadh as Saaliheen about the six exceptions to Gheebah.

  2. I agree with brother Abul Hareth  & sis Maria  

    Jazakum Allahu Khaira

    Very comprehensive answer. and plz go through Riyaz us saliheen of nawawi  

  3. I guess for Justice because justice is regarded very important in islam and when you use your voice to speak the truth...say for example when you file a complaint against someone at the police station.

  4. Backbiting is to mention a deficiency of a brother in his absence. The Prophet(p.b.u.h. ) said: "Backbiting is to say something about your brother that he does not like to be said." [Muslim]

    The scholars may Allaah have mercy upon them stated that it is permissible to backbite if there is an apparent benefit like when being wronged, when asking for a religious ruling and when warning the Muslims about an evil that might occur and so on. However, one should be careful not exceed the need in doing so and be cautious not to do that as a way of revenge and so on.

    Allah condemned backbiting in His Book. Allah says: {…….neither backbite one another. …….} [49:12]

    Therefore, the prohibition of al-Gheebah is proved by the Qur'an, Hadith and the consensus of Muslim Ummah.

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

  5. Salam for you my dear friend.Gheebah (backbiting) in any situation is not allowed or haram in Islam Talking about bad doing of anyone in his absence of him/her is haram

    Bad prejudice is not allowed in Islanm as stated in the Qur'an ((10:35,36,66,70) It should be avoided (6:116 and 49:12)

    Muslims are not allowed to say the deffect of other persons (49:11,12)

    Making gossip is not allowed too,because Allah hates it (4:47)

    All persons who have bad prejudice,saying other's defect and malking gossip will have misfortune and will be punished (104:1,2)

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