
Situps and Crunches after i wake up?

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Why is it that every time I try to do sit ups as soon as i wake up i feel weak and light headed and it makes me discontinue the exercise. Any tips, or should I just do it after i eat breakfast. Would it make it less affective if I do it after though? Thanks in advance!




  1. Exercise on an empty stomach and you don't have the necessary nutrients to do it.

    Do it after you eat, the eating spikes your metabolism, the exercise spikes it even more and by time you eat your mid-morning snack your metabolism is still high.

    Also, do more than just crunches.  Crunches alone will not cause any body transformation, you need to work full body.  And DON'T do situps.  They are horrible on the curvature of your spine and can lead to unnatural lordosis and bad posture.

  2. Yes, do them after you eat something. Actually about 30 minutes after you eat breakfast. See, all night your body is fasting so when you try to do exercise without eating, your body goes into a catalytic state, where it thinks its starving. Then the first thing you eat, your body is going to store it like as fat. So you aren't doing any good by doing crunches and stuff when you first wake. Get some breakfast and water/coffee in, then do your exercise, then maybe a small meal with protein and simple carbs after exercise. Hope this helped!

  3. because u have no fuel in your system.. no energy. your blood sugar is low.... no kick starter.. they did say at one point doing exerise in the morining before eating is a good way to burn fat because your stomach is empty.. but it is too much for some people.... your better off to have a good breakfast and then workout.. remember u need protein in the morining to kick start your metabolism

  4. Are you giving yourself time to actually wake up before you start? It's better to exercise before you eat breakfast by about an hour. Any reason you can't switch and do before you go to bed? That may help. Sit ups isn't going to boost your energy so much that it wakes you right up to where you aren't tired.

  5. here is an analogy. driving a car without letting it warm up first, and on empty. try a nice breakfast and some warm up exercises.

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