
Six Flags Season Pass???

by  |  earlier

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I never used my season pass before and wanted to let my friend borrowing it so she would get in for free since im not going. but someone told me once someone uses it they are the only one to use it cause they take a photo or something. is that true???

and can i use my pass for the fright fest




  1. if u havent gotten ur officially card with ur picture on it then the first time u go to the park u go and get ur card made and get a picture then

  2. try to email onlline to six flags

  3. Yes there is a picture on the back of the season pass. Once your friend enters the park with the voucher she will need to process the pass (including taking her picture) or it will become voided. And if she is the one who processes it it is her picture, address, and phone # that's on the pass. So if you end up not going your pass will be voided and you will not be able to get it.

    BTW the park is VERY strict about who's pic is on the pass and they know if you used the pass twice in 1 day.

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