
Six Flags over texas?

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Ok my friend told e about an amzing ride called the titan I am coming to the USA next year and want to ride it but I am scared what does the car cover I feel safer in roller coaster if they strap over my shoulders like a childs swing but icant fidn any pictures of the cas from the fornt and i cant tell what they loook liek someone please help me




  1. Titan is one of the best rollercoasters I've ever ridden. Even my 9 year old girl loves it.

    Don't miss out on riding it - nothing to be afraid of.

    No loops.

    Just high speed drops.

    Spiral UPWARD.

    They did add a little braking in the middle to slow it down - that is the only possible rough spot.

    This ride is much more fun than any other ride at Six Flags - easier coaster than the wooden one.

  2. Well unfortiantly Titan doesn't have shoulder straps.  Instead it has a giant lap bar that holds you in very tightly.  Don't worry.  Titan doesn't have shoulder straps for a reason it doesn't need them.
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