
Six Flags...what should i ride first???

by Guest66978  |  earlier

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im going to six flags on sunday and im really scared. ive never been and i dont know what to ride first...HELP!!





  2. well you need to tell us which one your going to first!!!!!!

  3. never been there, but i herd kingda ka was good

  4. I'm just gonna asume that you mean the one in California. In the morning, when it opens, go to the biggest, most popular roller coaster, (Tatsu) that way there arent any lines. This works! I know from experience. jkjk. (been there only twice)

  5. if ur in Vallejo, Ca or ever go....MEDUSA and V2....the best coasters in the bay no doubt.

  6. o, well tatsu, riddlers, X2, viper, superman, or de javu! DONT GO ON NINJA!!!! IT IS ABSALUTLY HORRIBLE!!!

  7. You should go on Tatsu first

  8. SOON AS YOU GET THERE RIDE KINGDA KA!!! i was just there yesturday and i was SO glad i got in line for kingda ka right away. RIDE in the FRONT ROW!!! it will be the best 30 seconds of you ENTIRE life!!

  9. There are a lot of good rides there. But I always start with my personal favorite la vibora!! It's fun, but not too scary. The perfect way to start. You could also start with the boat ride that goes back and forth. Always ride at the very end!!!

  10. Madusa! are you going to the one in Vallijo

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