
Six Magpies outside my door earlier, is it more bad luck?

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wow gold, nice one




  1. LOL, They are always at my backdoor, bathing themselves in my dogs water bowl and sitting on the railing singing away when they want food, they have never attacked me, but have attacked people who visit and even when I walk through their nesting areas they don't attack me, but they used to attack my sister all the time and she's a nasty piece of work, maybe they sensed it lol!  Karma! :)

  2. those werent magpies those were just chavs stealing all your valuables.

  3. I've heard that if a bird gets into your house it's bad luck. That's mostly because they use your furniture for a restroom. I've never heard anything about magpies and gold, but I'm not really up on superstitions. But I've heard that if a bird either flies into and hits your closed window or gets into your house that somebody you know is going to die. About 20 years ago, my nephews had left a door open and some kind of starling or something got into my sister-in-law's house. She got it out again. But she was afraid it meant somebody would die.  I thought that was silly. Within a week or so, a relative of hers, in his late 30's and seemingly very healthy died of a sudden heart attack. I still do not believe there was any connection but she said it was a sign.

  4. 6 for gold

    only to see 1 is bad luck

  5. Nope, it probably means that their was some carrion lying around and they were about to eat it.

  6. nope 6 does not mean anything.

    1 is bad luck 2 is good but other then those 2 numbers magpies dont mean anyting

  7. I'd cross my fingers for gold but this is the other version of the rhyme.

    One for sorrow

    Two for mirth

    Three for wedding

    Four for a birth

    Five for heaven

    Six for h**l

    Seven's the devil his own sel'

    Lucky for us it's superstitious nonsense!

  8. 1 for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for a girl, 4 for a boy

    5 for silver, 6 for gold,

    7 for a secret never to be told..

    Looks like you might be lucky!

  9. No, the opposite.  Six magpies mean gold!

  10. It means their is a load of bird poo on your front door and windows. LOL

  11. Apparently six is for gold, whatever that means.

    1 for Sorrow

    2 for joy

    3 for a girl

    4 for a boy

    5 for silver

    6 for gold

    7 for a secret never to be told..

  12. Noooooooooo just half a dozen horrid horrid birds probably attacking some poor baby thrush or starling - vile birds.

  13. Just imagine, six sizable birdies plopping on you. That's lucky!

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