
Six Nations Rugby in USA?

by  |  earlier

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I live in the USA and would really like to watch the six nations rugby tournament this year. Unfortunately, I don't get it on TV, and I don't have Direct TV, so I can't order a channel that will show it. Does anyone know of a website where I can watch the games?


I'm rooting for Scotland ; ]




  1., sometimes they show livw coverage on its media plaayer however it does say UK only but what the heck try it anyway.

  2. Setanta Broadband has it on pay-per-view, or if you buy a year's subscription for $150, Six Nations is included at no additional charge.

    Otherwise, there's a good chance the matches will be available on peer-to-peer applications such as Sopcast and TVU Player.  The MyP2P website is a good resource for software information and programming links.

    A link to MyP2P's "Other Sports" programming page (which includes rugby) is available below, as is a link to their rugby forum.


  3. - go for the US site, $9.99 a game I think

  4. Go onto the IRB website, they have a link where you can watch the coverage and highlights but im not sure whether u hav to pay.

  5. Why is it all you 'Americans' want what we have over here?

    Ireland for the tourament winners.....

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