
Six countries two continents, and a 2 year old?

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I travel a lot, and me and my boyfriend decided to bring my daughter. I always leave her behind with her dad, but this time I want her to come. I miss her to much when I'm gone(I called every three hours to see how she was), but I also want her to experience the cultural changes. I know it's going to be hard. Does anyone have experience or any advice at all to help me? Things I should pack? We're going to be gone for a month and half. It's a pretty long time away from home for a two year old.




  1. I know first hand. My parents took me EVERYWHERE. At the age of four I'd already been to 12 states, and 10 countries. I was home schooled(From 2-8) so they didn't worry about that. My teacher went everywhere with me. I can remember my mom basically bringing a mini version of my room. Simple things like my favorite dolls (pink power ranger, and Barney) a few sheets that I'd use, a ton of books for me to read or sometimes they'd read it to me or I'd read it to them, And the experience was great I can still remember all the huge monuments. I had to sit on my dads shoulders to see. We basically lived on our jet.  

  2. I have very little experience, but I will share it anyhow. Keep in mind that my child is VERY energetic and loves to do the opposite of what I ask.

    Make sure that she knows that her daddy will be waiting for her/talking with her on the phone/etc. She needs to know that this trip is not a permanent move away from him. This may sound silly, but it's worth the prevention. In fact, adoptive parents are warned against ANY trip for a long time because being away from home can confuse the kids.

    Give her two options of her choice of activity in each city so she has some buy-in to the plans... this will help you avoid meltdowns while in those cities.

    New toys and snacks for each leg of the trip: no matter how energetic she is or isn't, she will have to be entertained or you will go crazy.

    You may do this already, but give her clear step-by-step explanation of what is going to happen (i.e. on the plane, on the trains/buses, in the museum, whatever). This will help alleviate some fears and also be something to lean on later if she doesn't abide (i.e. "Remember how I said that we would have to stand in line for awhile? After this, we get to see XYZ!")

    The only other advice I can offer is basic travel advice. Pack light and research ahead of the trip any laundromat facility in your cities. Spending an hour and a half doing laundry every 6 days sure beats struggling to get luggage on/off trains or in/out of hotels while keeping your child out of harm's way.

    My wise neighbor explained that my stress level is exactly what makes or breaks my travel with my toddler. I mentally prepared for our last venture and stayed cool the whole time. It made A WORLD of difference for both of us.

    Happy travels!

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