
Six reasons why Phoenix Suns should retain Steve Nash – NBA Feature (Part 4)

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Six reasons why Phoenix Suns should retain Steve Nash – NBA Feature (Part 4)
Even if the rumoured New York Knicks trade takes place and Phoenix were able to get a hold of Chauncey Billups, it wouldn’t be easy for him and Brooks to fill up the gap left after the departure of the veteran point guard.    
Currently, because of the lockout players cannot use the franchise facilities to carry out their training. Therefore players are doing workout at different places and most of them are using their home town gyms. So the lockout
has snatched an excellent time from Brooks which he could have used to learn few tips and tricks of the game from Nash.
So the Suns need to play their cards shrewdly and have to keep the pros and cons of the trade in mind. However, in all the possibilities that I can think of, a trade will only take the Suns in one direction and that is down.
The Suns can make it to the Playoffs next season
With the kind of roster Phoenix have, no one can yet discard them from the playoffs contention. This roster has lot of spark and with few tweaks around Nash hopefully they will make it to the postseason, if the 2011-12season didn’t
get scrape by the lockout.
So instead of trading away Nash the Suns need to find right player from the free agency market. A shooting guard should be on a priority list that don’t just possess a good defence, but also have the skill to create his own shot,
so it can lift the burden from other players when they are in trouble.
With these changes Phoenix should be able to contend for a playoff spot in the always tight West. It would be doubtful to consider them favourites for winning the championship after these changes, but if they made it to the playoffs,
then who knows they might pull it off like Dallas Mavericks.
Nash truly Most Valuable Player of Phoenix
There is no doubt that Nash has no match in the league when it comes to his impact on the team.
If the Suns trade Nash, they would lose not only the tidiest point guard of the league, most skilled passer, one of the best when it comes to ball handling, the top shooter that can hit from any distance and in addition to that
he keeps the entire team together.
Nash is truly the real Most Valuable Player for the Suns and is the main pillar in Phoenix roster. Giving him up will be like handing the key of your house to a burglar.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article do not represent’s editorial policy.



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