
Six samurai deck help... needed quickly!!?

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so heres my six samurai deck as is and i get annoyed with it because of the high level of spells. i realy need help with this ,thnx.

monsters 21

3x grandmaster

3x zanji

3x irou

3x yaichi

2x nisashi

1x kamon

2x great shogun

2x spirit of six sam

2x cyber dragon

spellz 18

2x reasoning

2x reinforcement of the army

1x my body as a shield

1x brain control

1x smashing ground

3x six sam united

1x double summon

1x heavy storm

2x cunning

1x book of moon

1x monster reborn

1x premature burial

1x lightning vortex

trapz 4

2x sakuretsu

1x mirror force

1x bottomless

i get soooo frustrated with the high number of spells in this deck and i just dont know wat to take out. please give some advice 4 this deck and the spells in it. please no spam.

by the way dont suggest the hand of the six samurai. i am aware of him but hes to expensive right now.

thnx in advance




  1. hmmm

    i got a sam deck too.

    i say trying getting one more reasoning make it x3, its like not having three grandmasters. reasoning can get u monsters out. but u can leave it two if u want.

    you should put 2x samurai united. idk why but 2 works well. you dont really need to worry about draw power that much like other decks do.

    maybe you can add mystical space typhoon? basic card

    you can side cunning of six samurai, thats only for when you feel you need to main it so you can use it for strageties of getting out monsters in a different way in match 2.

    uh, not worth it if you have 1 double summon, so take that out.

    book of moon....eyyaaaaa.. thats fine.

    sooo right now what i took out and added equals to 16 magic cards. with...also you can side lightening vortex too. you shouldnt discard with samurai unless you have enishi, then thats somewhat goes with the flow

    also you need more traps, solemn works for every deck but its expensive for just a trap card. i also tried adding 3 reckless greed to my trap line up. just for rush battle idk lol. you can try that too..or dust tornado, or torrential, cease fire. idk lol

    oh yea get one more shogun.

    nice deck too

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