
Six year old afraid of mum...?

by  |  earlier

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i'm a bit conserned for my brother

he's almsot always afraid. if i didn't know better, i'd be worried he has anxiety probelems (but he's SIX..).

i'm worried, because it's not healthy for a child to act like this...

any help?




  1. i lovemiley to. as for you bro, he needs to get out more. im 13.  wnna chat sometime? email me at cool4horse@yahoo.coom

  2. bring him to see a counselor or a doctor

  3. Your right it is not normal for a six year old to be afraid of his mother.

    You seem like a very concerned sis. What does his mother say about this? she should not ignore this. She should talk to his pediatrician. This is not a phase if anyone tells you this, children should not be afraid like this unless there is a problem and a problem like this should require immediate attention before it gets worse. If mum isn't doing anything about it, maybe you can talk to his counselor at school that may help you in the direction to go in getting help for him, he's just a little guy and he needs your support. I cant imagine what he is going through at a very young age and children at that age cannot deal with something like this, please help him. God bless

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