
Six year old having hard time getting along with neighborhood kids?

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I have a 6 year old who is having a hard time getting along with the boys in the neighborhood - not all the boys but a kindergartener and a second grader. It just seems like these 2 boys cry alot and are very tough on my son. He can be aggressive - not in a mean way, but for example, they will want to play football and they will totally tackle my son - but when he tackles them and they get a little bumped up they cry and go home??? I have witnessed this and can honestly say that he did nothing wrong and nothing too harsh.

When we first moved in, the boys were playing nerf gun war and my son wanted to play. i guess he took one of the kids guns and the boy got REALLY upset, came to me crying and my son gave it back to him. this kid never got over it and 9 months later still crosses the street whenever my son walks over to play!! My son cries alot about feeling left out - what should i do at this point - he feels he can never do anything right...




  1. Your boy took a toy gun from a  stranger?What is wrong with him that he would be so bold as to do something like that?Maybe he is a little bigger or stronger than the other kids and dont know his own strength?

  2. Have you tried having a supervised play date with the other mom's or mom included?  Maybe everyone getting together and you and her or them talking will make better of the situation.  Other then that, I am not sure how to help.  I know my daughter for a long time where we used to live was about 6 and never had a soul to play with, her older brother had tons of friends and she would be very sad, but we just kept re- assuring her that she was still young and eventually someone would move near us that she could play with (thankfully we just moved and now she has many friends).

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