my 6 year old was the world easit cild to potty train and did it early! But for the last month, she is wetting herself, DURING THE DAY. Not bedwetting, but during the day. She will either keep them on and not say anuthing, or she changes and hides the wet ones. So, to me, that means she KNOWS its bad. I am assuming that it happens because she doesn't want to get up from whatever she is doing and use the bathroom. I don't know what the proper punishment is or if there should be even be one.
WHY is she doing this and what do I do to stop her? My mom says to spank her. (my mom is an old school Black mom. Thats just hw she does it) but I am not a spank-er unless it was truley deserving of one. Could there be a deeper emotional reason for this? (Daddy is US Army in Afghan., but is coming home around May, so not a NEW issue) Or is she doing it because she isn't making it a priority to what she is doing at that time? I need to stop this ASAP. I don't want her sliding backwards. I'm lost....