
Six year old testing the waters?

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My son has just started doing something that really annoys me. He'll ask me can he do something, and if I say no, he'll go ask dad. (my husband doesn't let him do it either). We are always equal in the way we raise our children, but I have no idea why my son started doing this. Is he just testing us? Have any of you parents out there gone through this?




  1. I think it must be that age....  both of my sons did the exact same thing when they were about 6 years old.  My oldest is now 12 and doesn't do it anymore, but my younger son is 7 and still does it from time to time.

  2. lol i do that with my parents all the time. if it's something you really want, you try both parents, just in case, you know?

  3. Congratulations you have a boy lol.  It is very normal. They all do that my 3 year old does that now. She has learned alot from her big brother lol.

  4. ALL kids do this.  My 13 year old still does this.  It's part of growing up.

  5. my 7 year old did that once i put a stop to it immediately i gave her 1 warning and told her if she does it again she will lose her t.v. and privileges from the phone she never did it again and yes hes testing you to see if any of you are weak stand your ground and it will soon stop

  6. this has been done through the ages!  Your son is just clever - I remember asking my mum some things my dad others - playing one off against the other - teaching young children for 12 years has made me realise this is not devious- he's just worked out negociation! - you are spot on he's testing the waters - keep up the fab conistency you have developed and well done for communicating eff with your partner over these issues - your son will be reassured you both give the same answers and work together.

  7. yes all kids do this, maybe he'll learn sooner or later

  8. All kids do it, just tell your husband to tell him ' Ask your mother ' and you just say ' Ask your father ' xD he'll get the picture after a bit.

  9. I did that all the time as a kid. If I really wanted to do something, I'd try ALL my options. haha

  10. Isn't it cool that he's growing up to be a normal kid? That's great! Make sure you and your husband remember to check with each other before you go giving permission, just to make sure you are on the same page with him.

  11. most kids do this.  i just let mine know that this was not acceptable, and that if they did it, whatever they were wanting the answer would be 'no'

  12. I go absolutely ballistic if my kids ask for a second opinion after I've said no, and they know it! So yes, I've been through it, he's just testing you, and the way to deal with it is to treat him doing something you said no to the same regardless of whether dad said yes afterwards or not. YOU said no. That means no.

  13. I do that to my parents to if ones says no then i will ask the other one...i usually do it to get what i want..

  14. Haha! I always do it with my mum, and my two sisters did too!

  15. All kids do that. They try with one and if they don't get it they try the other. It's kind of like, Mom said no, but Dad said yes so I can do it! Pretty much no way of taking it back. Just make sure you have a good communcation between your husband so you don't have that issue. lol.

    Good luck :o)

  16. Oh yeah he is testing you big time. I did this all the time as a child. Of course in my house my parents weren't so unified. I knew that if mom said no and I got to dad before she did he would say yes because I was his little princess. The best thing you can do is exactly what you are doing now. No matter who he askes the answer should always be the same. That is the best way to handle it. My stepdaughter does this now too. I tell her no and she runs to her dad. Luckily my husbands response is always to tell her to ask me because he'd rather have his daughter angry with him than me. lol

    Keep up the good work you are doing fine!

  17. all kids do it! im 12, and i do it!

    i ask my dad first, and he usually says ask your mom.

    or ill ask my mom, and she'll say nooo.. so i just go and ask daddy xD

  18. All KIDS do that. There's nothing to worry about.

  19. He just wants one of you to cave in so he can get his way. All kids do it.

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