
Six year old with pubic hair?

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Hi! My six year old little girl has started to grow pubic hair. Isn't this very early? Should I have her seen by her doctor? Should I be concerned?




  1. its probally  normal .

    ask her mom .. when she started ...

    if your worried call a doctorrr.

  2. Yes it is a bit early but not impossible, it is called "precocious puberty" see link below.  Yes you need to take her to the doctor becase if it is puberty you and her are going to have to know how to deal with it.  

    And don't pay attention to what kduke says...kduke has been smoking bullshit.

  3. 99.9% chance its just a thyroid problem.

    it's nothing to be scared about.

    is not a big deal at all.

    but if it makes you feel better, take her to a FEMALE pediatrician and have her checked for a thyroid problem.

  4. It is starting very early now. 8yrs-16

  5. Wow.  And you just created this ID today?  

    Troll, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll, troll


    Oh please all you thumbs downers who are so d**n gullible, go read the only question she/he has answered and you'll realize this is just a kid trying to get their kicks.

    I hate gullible people.

  6. Yes you should be.. this isn't normal..

    at all. Have a doctor see her.. her hormons may be inbalanced.

  7. better stop giving her cows milk ..estrogen overload going on there.

  8. hahaha funny man... go shave them off for her

  9. Yes, that's early. Take her to a pediatric endocrinologist.

  10. a six year old should not have pubic hair i would take her to the doc NOW

  11. take her to the doctor if your really concerned.

    otherwise some people just start early but i dont think you can start that early

    can you??

  12. IT'S called early puberty...And yes, she needs to be seen by a doctor.

  13. id take her to see a doctor.

    if you or your husband are taking hormones or steroids and are in close contact with your daughter that could cause her hormones to go all funny and think that its time for puberty...

    take her to see a doctor =]

    good luck!

  14. That is crazy!!! Get her check indeed!!!

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