
Sixflags over georgia?

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im 15 and i wanna go but im really scared of scary thrill rides..what rides can i go on that wont scare me too much?

nothing that goes upside down or too fast.i get scared easily so i dont wanna have a heartattack lol

i was thinking the american scream that fun?is it scary?

also,does the goliath go upside down?

iv never been on a roller coaster other than the kid ones like the coyote one or the train one.they were for kids...yea i know..

also,wut r some fun rides to go on?any ride,not just thrill rides




  1. American Scream Machine is way too bumpy, it isn't very fun. Goliath is going so fast, I couldn't tell if we were upside down or not! What rides that are fun in my opinion are Shake, Rattle & Roll, Batman (Although it goes upside down, it is very fun--you can't tell it does), all of the water rides are fun--that is if you like getting wet...but I think you should decide most of the rides while you're there.

    Have fun!

  2. I like Great American Scream Machine, it's one of the better woodens I've ridden. Ride the Coyote Canyon Blaster! I like that ride alot, not bumpy, no big hills, not too fast. Goliath does not go upside down, however it goes about 70 some miles an hour, it's around 200 feet tall. If you're new to coasters and don't want to ride anything that will scare you or be bumpy I'd say avoid; Superman, Georgia Scorcher, Mindbender, and Batman. Ride the mine train, it was pretty fun! And all the water rides are alot of fun, especially Thunder Canyon, the rapids ride.
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