
Sixteen and too innocentt?

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i have never kissed a guy.

i never even had a boyfriend.

but has had alot of guy friends.

i feel like such an outcast.

like when my friends bring up that topic i try to get out of it lol.

what do you think??

am i a loser weirdo outcast.




  1. if youre a weirdo outcast that must mean I'M a weirdo outcast(which i certainly am not!!)

    its okay to not have a boyfriend.REALLY,it is =]

    there are tons of girls without boyfriends,who are in the same situation!so no worries.youre normal

    :- )

  2. Sixteen is such a wierd age. Everyone your age is asking the same type of questions. Don't be in a rush to do anything. Take your time finding yourself and enjoy High School. Once it's over it will be a lot easier to find your way.

  3. its kinda of weird - but nothing to worry

    because when yuor time comes for all that yoou will be mature about it, and htink of it - if that first boy you kiss and make your boyfriend is the one for you, you will be giving them your all, your pureness

  4. Well, you are one in a million 16-year old who have your priorities right. Don't rush into a relationship just because others are doing it. Wait for the right time and the right guy. You will meet him eventually and it would be something special.

  5. no your not a loser

    im 17 and am the same way as you

  6. your not a loser at all!!! wen your ready you wil find someone amazing and all your friends will wish they hav wat u hav. u should be proud to be different your making a stand instead of being like the rest of the crowd. WELL DONE!!

  7. No you are not. I didn't have a boyfriend until I was 16 (on my actual birthday in fact) and I am now 23 and have not been single for more than two weeks since that fateful day. It'll happen. I know it might seem like a big deal now, but you will look back on it as nothing, trust me, all my teenage angst is forgotten.

  8. OMG dont think that ! who cares if you havent done that stuff ! you seem like such a sweet girl and dont let guys use you :)

    make the first time special and dont rush anything ! :)

    -jessiee ;

  9. hmm..i know exactly where you're coming from. at 16 that's like the weirdest age ever. Don't worry about  kissin' guys or havin' a boyfriend cause it's not all it's cracked up to be. Being single and hangin' out with your guy friends is fun, no commitment. there are probably alot of 16 year old girls that feel the same way you do. your time for a boyfriend will come young grasshopper. ^_^

    your not a loser or any of those things. your unique =]

  10. Melissa, you aren't anything but a sweet girl that just hasn't foud th right guy.  I'm an extreme case for my own reasons, an havn't kisssed a guy till this year when i met the man i am going to marry.  I didn't think to do it when i could have because it wasn't an interest of mine then, but now.... rorrwwwlllllrrr..!! grins.. relax, your guy is right around the corner, and yo wil find him very soon...right aftr he finds you..

  11. well. im gonna be honest, that's weird. people are saying ur not, but their just saying that bcuz they think its good - when its weird.

  12. No your not a outcast at ALL!! Your time will come! Trust me.

  13. Don't worry, there ARE no rules about when this stuff "is supposed to happen."

    When the time is right, the right stuff happens.  It's when we push for things to happen life gets complicated.

    You're fine, I promise!

  14. You are not a loser. That is a good thing! You sound just like me, except my friends would never make fun of that.

  15. awww thats okay :)

    not weird at all.

  16. You are 16 and just the way you should be. Never compare yourself to your friends -- you are a free, independent young woman who has every right to live her life this way. Don't rush into things just because other people do them.

    I'd say keep it up. Imagine how nice it would be for your future husband to know that your first kiss was given to him. That you hadn't given your heart away to other guys who used it and then threw it away. Imagine not having to go through the heartbreak of many failed relationships before you find "the one." This is how I've decided to live my life, and I support you in living this way. :)

  17. no i dont think you are.if you are being yourself and if youre happy with yourself then youre not. its all up to YOU about when you wanna do those things. its always good to be innocent.

  18. You don't sound like a loser or an outcast at all.  Just because you aren't interested in those things (yet) doesn't mean that you are strange in anyway.  People develop at different rates, including emotional development.  Don't worry yourself too much about it, you are who you are, and trying to force yourself to change won't make it happen.

  19. Late bloomers usually bloom the best.

  20. I am the same way, so no, you are not an outcast or too innocent.  For me, I choose not to date until after HS (you would too if you saw the miscreants at my school).  I am already stressed enough with hard classes I am taking, why add extra stress by dating. Its not like I plan to see these people after HS.  Just be yourself and don't worry about what others are doing.

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