
Size 12 Exotic Dancer?

by Guest67020  |  earlier

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HI! I am a size 12,36 D.Blonde,attractive young women interesting in exotic dancing. I get hit on all the time,and men find me attractive, and while I don't consider myself "plus-sized" i suppose I am,and I'm ok with that. But,do men want to see this in a stripper? And,where are there places I would get hired?

Thanks :)




  1. I dance with a girl who is a size 14--she's bigger but toned and has a beautiful face and a friendly personality. She banks more than some of the thinner girls.

    Men like women of all shapes and sizes. Strip club owners know this and hire a variety of women. Seriously--go to a local strip club as a customer, I think you would be surprised.

    Good luck <3

  2. If you are a size 12, 36 D attractive young blonde, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that men would throw their paychecks at you to flash a little skin. There is nothing wrong with your size, ideal really. What has our society come to when you second guess yourself at such a healthy size. I think that you should do what you want to and have fun doing it.

    As far as where to go, I would check the strip club out first before jumping onto the payroll. There are good clubs and then there are seedy, dirty, undesirable clubs. If you can't determine if the club is respectable or not, ask some of the male patrons. They'll know if they are in a nice club or just the

    "average flesh factory".
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