
Size Zero debate????

by Guest31776  |  earlier

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I am doing an essay for Higher English on the size zero debate. I have to include the good and the bad side of size zero, involve the media and everything I could possibly add about size zero. I've been trying to write it for ages but I'm totally stuck and cant seem to write anymore.

I've already included about it making fat women feel bad, and skinny people too, about how the media is hypocritical and sends mixed signals, also about the fact that clothes look better on skinny models.

Any help would be very (veryveryveryveryvery) appreciated.

thank you! xx




  1. maybe you should take the health route. Like how its damaging it is to people and the media pick up on this and report it saying its wrong then they turn around and allow size zero models to carry on working. They should be made to check into hospital and forced to eat. The fact is its the media that has made us feel that the clothes LOOK better on skinny models when in fact they look far better on the average women!Its just one end of the spectrum the fashion industry don't think skinny models affect young people or people in general and result in eating disorders but they are a factor in it. If you are constantly bombarded with pictures of skinny  women looking glamorous then you are going to have a twisted outlook on your own weight . It not only makes fat and skinny women feel bad it causes deaths/ mental health problems. The world would be a far better place if the size zero was band. There's enough pressure in life without the need to be skinny as well!

    Sorry for the rant but i hope it helps a little.!

  2. how about the health implications to people who try to achieve this size?

  3. I think it would be a good idea to find out the height of some size zero people and how much they weigh and compare it to a BMI chart.

    See how short you need to be to be a healthy size zero and compare to the national average height or the heigh of celebrities.

    Also, maybe mention how the celebritiees that achieve size zero and still look healthy have professional trainers and dieticians which the public cannot afford and overlook the importance of.

  4. First of all the word fat is very offensive. I am over weight and healthier than most skinny people i know.

    The health implications are very severe in the size zero debate. That level of dieting is dangerous. The body needs some fat to function properly. You can even lose your fertility and will most likely develop a severe eating disorder to try and maintain that physique.

    Also, the size zero debate has a very detrimental effect on younger people particularly. The media basically tell you that unless you are a skeleton with a bit of skin on, you're not pretty. This is untrue. Under the make up, you wouldn't look good at all. All eye bags and grey skin. Your hair would be in terrible condition and you would actually end up looking worse for it. It is also unattainable for most people. Some people are larger built than others naturally and all this can lead them to the unture opinion that they can never be pretty because of it.

    Personally i don't think clothes look better on skinny models. Obviously the ones they wear look great but that's more because they've been specifically made to fit that person perfectly. Anyone looks good in clothes made especially for them

    Women are meant to have curves. They're meant to have b***s and hips.

    I agree that being obese is bad for your health as well as being overly thin too. Somewhere in the middle is best.

    Hope this helps.  

  5. Writing your essay try to be objective and critical, which means write it from different points of view, which obviously you know. Every one has got an opinion about this subject. Your role is to provoke people to ask themselves questions, or/ and leave some unanswered questions for them to answer.

    The positive side may be that people more conscious about their diet. They tend to eat healthy. Also, there are naturally skinny looking people who are unfairly judged. However, try to mention the manipulation of the media. How our brains are washed, and how we think those bony skinny celebrities are naturally so thin where in fact they starve themselves, take drugs (almost everyone in la la land is on coke), and smoke like chimneys.

    It's so fake and unnatural. People normally do not look like that and we wonn't have to wait long untill they start dying one by one, because they are so exhausted.

    But whenever someone drops five sizes then he/ or she is so cool straight away.  

  6. I've done this you should include what effects it has on peoples health both in the long and short term, That it can change a person ie make them secretive etc, exactly how they achieve it (how little they eat, exercise etc) also that it's not just the stereotype people that have the illness men and boys also have it. Aswell people see it less as a disorder and more of a fashion statement.

    Good Luck

  7. Definately go for the health angle. Unless you are naturally thin, striving to be a size zero is extremely damaging to your health, mind and internal organs.

  8. If it helps at all,I am naturally a petite female who is size zero.Being this size does not necessarilyyou are not healthy,I am very healthy,healthier than anyone else I know, and can't gain weight even when I try.The idea of using peoples weight,height, and possibly age is good:26 y/o,5"4',105lbs.I have had many experiences with being called anorexic,bulimic,etc. and it really pisses me off.It's exactly like a large person being called shamu get the point,its not nice.I am not being bias though,there are alot of size zeros,espaecially in the media who appear to be very unhealthy and sickly looking because its not natural for them.

  9. how bout talking about the influience it has on teenagers.. most teenage girls in my skool want 2 b a size zero..  the think it looks good and more s**y even tho their only skin and bone..

  10. it's unhealthy

  11. Interesting debate.

    Have you included current role models who are size 0 - Victoria Beckham, etc.

    The term lollipop head is also used heavily in the media to describe these women.

    The good side - is there one?  

    Sorry I couldn't be of more help!
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