
Size of a 5 year old boy? Worried Mom, please answer.

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How big is a five year old boy on the average? My son is definitaly on the husky side and built like a tank. He has very wide shoulders and a barrel chest, but he also has alittle extra fat too. He is 46" tall and weighs 60 lbs, he wears a size 13 shoe in kids. Is he just big for his age, or is he on his way to be an overweight child. I just want the very best for my boy and the thought that perhaps one day he would be a target for other kids to pick on rips my heart out.




  1. Oh honey.  No matter how big or small your child is or will be makes no difference when it comes to getting picked on.

    Kids can be very cruel and chances are someone at some point in your sons' life will pick on him for some reason or another.

    That's when all the hard work you've done building up his self-esteem will pay off.  And it's never too late to keep reminding your child how special he is and always will be no matter what ANYONE says to him.

    As far as the weight issue, if you have any concerns at all about his health, just discuss it with his doctor.  I'm sure there is a nutritional & exercise program that can be implemented to calm your fears.

    He's only 5.  He still has a lot of growing to do yet.  Try not to worry too much.

    Good luck to you.

  2. My five year old is 48" and 53 Lbs. He is usually bigger than his cousins that are his age and up to one year older. He to also has a shoe size of 13. If your still worried about his weight, just make sure he eats lots of fruits and veggies. Don't let him drink soda or eat a lot of junk food.

  3. my son just turned 5 on the 25 of july and he is

    exactly 4 ft tall and 56lbs and wears a size 2 1/2 in shoes

    so no your boy is fine, there is nothing wrong with him

    mine looks like a 7 year old!!!! he is taller than all the kids he was in pre-k with i mean all of them and was taller than most of the kindergartners too.

    kids will be mean no matter what. if your too skinny, too big, too tall, it doesnt matter. you just need to make sure he knows that he is not fat and theres nothing wrong with him he is perfect! and to ignore he kids that are mean.

  4. my son is a couple of weeks shy of 5.

    he has size 10 feet, wears age 2-3 trousers... (age 5-6 in tops)

    i think he is about 40 inches tall and weighs around 40lbs

    so he's bigger than mine. as long as he is healthy and active, he should be fine

  5. We just had a thread on our board, our children will all be six in November.

    We did a height and weigh-in last week and our kids are on average, 48 inches tall and 48 pounds in weight. That's a group of about 25 kids.

    The variation was very slight, some a couple of inches shorter and some a couple of pounds lighter or heavier.

    Those are our averages, but you can see your child. You're the best one to decide if he is big built or getting overweight.  

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