
Size of my cage?

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I have a glass tank which is 60cm X 30cm X 30cm (24" X 12" X 12"). I've had it for a long time and I always thought of it as a 10 gallon aquarium but when I looked at other 10gal aquariums, their dimensions and volume was different so I was wondering how many gallons my tank was?

I have two female mice living happily in there, but I've tried two different mouse cage calculators. One said I could have 8 mice, and the other said 6 but wouldn't it be overcrowded?

I thought each mouse had to have at least 5 gallons of their own space.




  1. You can't really go by gallons when figuring out how many mice to have, since, for example, a 29 gallon tank and a 20 gallon L tank have the same "floor space." With a two square foot cage, I'd recommend 3 or 4 female mice or two male mice. You could definitely have a few more females living in there comfortable as long as you provide enough hiding space.

    Two square feet is about the minimum I'd go for ANY mice, but you don't need a certain amount of space per mouse. You don't want your cage swarming like the feeder mouse bin at Petco, but 3 or 4 mice will do as well in that space as 2 will. Even 6 could work, but 8 would definitely be pushing it.

    If the mice are fighting, it's overcrowded. If it looks overcrowded, it's overcrowded. If there are more mice than there are sleeping places - overcrowded. Cage calculators aren't the most reliable way to figure out how many mice your cage can hold, observation is.

  2. i don't really have any real idea or know for a fact. but these are your pets and if you think they don't have enough room then they don't have enough room. if you think there is room for more then there is. i just think that as long as you are sure that your pets are happy, then it is most probable that they are. and if you still are not certain i suggest getting them out of their cage regularly to give them exercise. sorry i cant give you any more help hope this gives you some reassurance your doing the right thing by your pets.

  3. i think you'll be fine as long as your ok with the size then ts ok!
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