
Skateboarding help!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok i know this is sad, but i cant do anything fs, i can do a varial kickflip but not a fs shuv-it , how do i get used to going fs, and how do i go fs?????????




  1. You just got to practice it.  That is all there is to learning any skateboard trick.  Practice until you are comfortable doing it.

  2. it is just practice really but a good trick i learned for trying fs shuvits, stand next to the board and do fs pop shuv with just ur back foot. this will help u quickly learn the motion without accutly needing to do the trick and once u get the motion down try the real trick and then work a kickflip into it.

    and for some people fakie shuvs are easier although for me i found them pretty much equal but u could try it, and other people also claim carpet or grass skating helps with shuvit variations but still doesnt help everyone cuz each person learns differently.

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