
Skateboarding is hard?

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I really want to get into skateboarding now I know how hard it is. Do you think i'll get the hang of it. I'm having trouble balancing and basically getting started. How long did it take you to get the hang of it.




  1. first 2 months are the hardest, after that its alot easier.

    just keep with it.

  2. I'm in the same boat as you. I just started about 4 months ago and i've have inproved alot. What you need to do is just work on ollies for the first couple of weeks, then do them moving. when you have a good handle on them, move on to any easy or sorta easy trick. for me it was a heelflip. but if you keep at it you get more tricks. just stay positive and skate every day.

  3. The balance will come naturally after a couple of days on the board and it will get really fun but it will be frustarating sometimes when you cant land a trick but you will get it.  I skate and i love but remember stay out if drugs and trouble it lowers your game and f***s you up....  Im serious man keep on rollin and keep it cool

  4. well, i tried skateboarding for a bit and yea you'll get used to it but learning tricks gets harder as you progress so its not a easy task until you get better so it all depends on balance and how much your dedicated to it.

  5. is it hard, yes definatly, if anyone ever says it's easy then they don't skateboard. When I first started out I skated almost everyday for hours on end I learned real quick, the most you practice the quicker you'll learn. ballancing is what I call the first trick you'll learn, it can take some practice for people, just keep your knees bent slightly and you'll be able to ballance better and move around on the board easier. I was olling within a week of first starting to skate, don't think you need to skate as much as I did to learn things just keep the practice steady and you'll be fine, it's not like riding a bike, without practice you WILL forget how to do things.

  6. If you are out skateboarding a lot, you will learn fast then you can start doing your ollie and k flips

  7. I love skateboarding but im not good at all, I just dont really try anymore but ive found that its easier to learn by starting off with doing your Ollies and such in the grass so you wont fall and get hurt seeing how your just starting out.

  8. I'm not sure if "hard" is the word for it. Skateboarding is more challenging than hard, because it takes effort, but it is well within your ability to succeed at it. Balancing on the board can be a little tricky at first, but just start out with small pushes, and soon it'll be easier, until it's literally second nature. I mean, I ride a board and It's almost like I just have to think of where I want to go   in order to get my board moving in that direction. I was once in your place too, and it takes practice and commitment. Good luck!
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