
Skateboarding strucks supposed to move nose to tail??

by  |  earlier

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Ok i just bought a new board and just got BACK INTO skateboarding...well the trucks are RUCKUS and ive heard they are Pretty good...but i tightened them up cuz they were looser than i wanted and now that parts fine..but the actual truck moves from nose to i know they are supposed to be able to move from side to side for turning purposes...when i say they move from nose to tail i dont mean the whole thing like where the decks crews are...i just mean like the pivot bushings up to the




  1. er- i dont really understand what ur trying to say ur not making it very clear.

    but it sounds like ur saying when you turn, the axles are moving like one side the front axle points to the nose and the back points to the tail?  if thats what ur saying, its prefectly normal thats how bushing work. if ur talking about something else then well, write more clearly next time ur very confusing

  2. well i sugest tightening your bolts and making sure your kingpin isnt broken and if that dont work well then i guess ur screwed

    ps:thank for helping me with my kickflips

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