
Skating on Ice?

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why do you think the public are keeping Aggie in the show? she looks so uncomfortable and awkward.




  1. My honest opinion is that she is the Kay Burley of this season and is getting the sympathy vote. Especially having just watched tonight's skate, she will be lucky to stay in the competition.

  2. Idk bu i just got 2 pts

  3. who aggie

  4. shut up

  5. cause she is older, and doing well for her age even if she does look awkward (but i know what you mean) Good for her I say

  6. I felt really sorry for her this week as she seemed to be doing really well when she first came out and then tripped and it knocked her confidence again.  Good one her though because she got straight back up and carried on.

    I hope she stays one more week but I think she will be the one who is voted out.
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