
Skeptics, and everyone else what do you think about the White House being haunted?

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Skeptics do you think some of these people in the White house would be making up stories, or do you think they drink to much?

Several rooms of the White House, built to serve as the residence for the president of the U.S. while in office, are haunted. Many of the spirits are those of former U.S. presidents. The ghost of William Henry Harrison is frequently heard in the attic. Andrew Jackson revisits his bed in what is now called the Queen's Bedroom, and his guttural laughter has been heard there for more than a century. Thomas Jefferson is heard practicing his violin in the Yellow Oval Room.

The ghost of Abraham Lincoln also reportedly haunts the W H. Phantom footsteps on the second floor have long been attributed to him. Supposedly, the first person to report seeing his spirit was Grace Coolidge, the wife of President Calvin Coolidge. Many, including poet Carl Sandburg have since reported seeing Lincoln standing at one of the windows in the Oval Office, and his old bedroom....




  1. Are these assertions first hand fabrications?  Or did somebody else make them up and post them, knowing that the lies would be happily passed along as truths?

  2. well, you know i'm not a skeptic. i believe every word of it. my cousin is a tour guide at Raynham Hall, a historical house in Oyster Bay, NY. OMG is this place haunted. I go there every so often to hang with my cousin. She has taken me under the house, in its basement & to other parts of the house where the tourists don't go. You can just feel a presence in that house. my cousin has seen & heard plenty. so fascinating. One night (when i get up the courage)i'm gonna sleep there.


  3. why are you just asking this question to skeptics in the first place ? Im not really sure because this is first time i hear of this , but let me tell you that not all the time ghosts are the ones supposedly haunting a place , but when many people have lived in one place such as the white house their "energies " could be left behind. These energy could be either "memories" and /or thoughts forms that have never left the place.

  4. Since I don't believe in ghosts I don't think the White House or any other place is haunted and stuff like "Eleanor Roosevelt said that she often sensed Lincoln's presence late at night, and her dog, Fala, often barked for no reason" isn't really compelling evidence is it?

  5. I not only believe it, but I witnessed Mr. Lincoln's ghost in California, the Sunday closest to the 4th of July, 2000. Life is amazing!

  6. I have heard about the White House being haunted by a ghost cat and that was it. You just broke that news to me :)) It is said that when a person dies, the place they haunt is mainly where they have lived in life, So it would not be surprising if they did haunt the White House. Usually ghosts don't know they're dead so what if that is the case. I am not a professional so I am giving you whatever I know NOTE: I am NOT a skeptic, firm believer. Notice they're all presidents that have lived there, so as spirits  [ if they know they are] they feel more comfortable staying there        [ if it is true]

    I guess the only way to know is if you experience it for yourself!!

  7. I would think it would have a few.  If you think about the type of personalty it takes to become president, then I would think they would not go away just because they are dead.

  8. I can certainly think of quite a few dead people who'd like to haunt GW.

  9. It stands to reason that the older a location is the more people have lived and possibly died there. With all those "energies" something could definitely be there. Maybe even many spirits are attached to it.

  10. Don"t forget the ghosts of george w bush his farther and bill clinton.They were killed there and replaced with aliens that look like them.

  11. I hear the spirit of intern Lewinsky still roams the halls and oval office in search of action....oh wait! the bag lady's, how can that be.

  12. Welp...when you get right down to it, the White House is a house, just like anyone elses.  The only thing different is that it happens to have been and still is the home of the President of the United States.  And just like any other house built of bricks and mortar and having housed "just a few families"  I see no reason why it could not be....BTW I am a everyone else, not a skeptic at all.

  13. I think it's a great legend,with some great tales.It's not unusual though.When you think of it most famous buildings are haunted.You name a famous building,chances are there's a ghost story to go along with it.Interesting.but not valuable as evidence.In fact it kind of calls them all into question.It's a good question,I've thought of asking it myself.

  14. well at least the ghosts are nice enough to tell people who theyre the ghost of.

    keep practicing jefferson a lot of good itll do you now...

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