
Skeptics, can you find an experimental physics professor who does not believe in the greenhouse effect?

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Skeptics, can you find an experimental physics professor who does not believe in the greenhouse effect?




  1. Even if 1% of physicists have not looked into the science enough to become convinced, there should be thousands upon thousands of skeptical physicists.  So what?

    Even if 100% of physicists took the time to educate themselves, at that point just find one who is old, has no children, and/or who is completely self-absorbed.  They'll provide a skeptical opinion simply from the standpoint of "Why should I care?" and "Why should I be inconvenienced?"

  2. There's always one person who will go against the wind. Last I heard, it's 90-95% of scientists who believes that global warming is a threat to the planet, leaving the other 5-10% in the nay.

  3. Do you understand J S (top contributor in Global Warming), that the answer you posted is insulting to the professional ethics of any reasonably competent physicist? Going through your record, it also seems you take an exclusive interest in this issue.

    Like in any other profession there are experts and quacks. The fact that someone announced Cold Fusion, or that the magnetic memory of water exists (see homeopathy) and can be transmitted through electrical wires (see Ig Nobel prizes), does not mean physicists opinion is like preference for a particular horse in the Kentucky derby.

    I tend to agree with Marge Simpson's philosophy that "in case what you have to say is nasty, don't say anything", but the idea of scientists as belly scratching sloths belching out opinions, simply doesn't sit well with me.

  4. Dude, you *know* they can.  There is that Israeli guy, for instance.  But finding one person willing to publicly state something they know to be untrue is no big deal.  The tobacco industry has been doing that for years.

  5. i dont think anyone on earth could doubt it. the greenhouse effect is what keeps earth from turning into an ice cube.

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