
Skeptics...Does this scare you???

by  |  earlier

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  1. I guess one day there will be no more skeptics.The truth will be released.

  2. That's hilarious.  It's also a good example of how easy it is to perpetrate a hoax.

  3. Yeah that was the least convincing evidence i have ever seen

  4. That did scare me! I hate government spy cameras! It's not like we can trust everyone in government, and I don't want some dirtbag watching me every time I take a leak! Sheesh! How about a little privacy?

    Oh yeah! That was a cute alien costume. Very entertaining routine.

  5. Take your hat off that sucked.

  6. lol

  7. Yes. I'm a little too petrified right now to say more than that. Hold me?

  8. Since I'm not a skeptic I say go for it. The only thing the Alien was missing was saliva dripping from his mouth and very sharp teeth.

  9. Hmm, it will take a little more than that my dear.

    Oh btw, as Drab One said: can you please take that hat off now and let your hair down?


  10. Uhm...if anything it made me a little more skeptical, sorry.

  11. *Ha ha**....Good one:)

  12. item itself is scary IF its true, but the idea that make the fakeys is pathetic...

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