
Skeptics...WHY do you come to this Paranormal Section?

by  |  earlier

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P.S...I could go to a "group" or a "forum" or "google" for answers..but I love it here. I DON'T love the fighting...but I love the interaction & exchange of ideas.




  1. I come in here sometimes to read what other people believe in, or what they saw, or what had happen to them. Its not that I dont believe them, or that that these things do or do not happen, Its because I'm currious to see.

  2. Actually, normally I DON'T come here... but if I did it would be because of one of two reasons:

    1. I saw something so ridiculous that I couldn't help but comment on it.

    2. I saw something so interesting that I couldn't help but comment on it.

    I try to stay open-minded, but in the end, it comes down to this: why should I believe someone here? It is the same reason I do not push my religious beliefs on people. There is no reason for anyone to believe me, because my beliefs are the result of my own experiences. That said, if you are going to share your experiences here, naturally people are going to comment, pro or con. That is the whole point of a question and answer forum!

  3. I've always had an interest in other folks opinions.Not limited to the paranormal.It's a chance to share.Some people don't like what I say.They resort to name calling and petty violation reporting."Like chatting for instance".Much as I like sharing opinions and possibly making a point.I enjoy more pushing the buttons of close-minded,vindictive pseudo- intellectuals.One more thing and I don't see this as likely.Maybe,someone will make a claim and really be able to demonstrate it.Nothing would please me more then that.

  4. Skeptics come in for the need to disbelieve.

  5. I don't consider myself a skeptic.....with that said....this is an OPEN forum. In my opinion, yahoo answers is a forum for different views to possibly open minds to different ideas. I think that should go both ways...people thinking about believers and skeptics opinions--possibly opening ones mind to an idea that would normally be out of their realm. We all have an important opinion---we ALL matter. Would it not be a boring section without discussion about different views? I feel its the whole point of this forum.

                               love, peace, harmony

  6. If everyone were to have identical beliefs, we would not need a world. We could get by with a single individual. Or a single cosmic mind. The universe is obviously interested in diversity. And with diversity comes reciprocal skepticism. What we all have in common is human curiosity. About paranormal phenomena. About one another. It is not just your belief system that puzzles and fascinates us. It is you.

  7. I would have to agree with mr taco but I do not believe it is the open minded skeptics you are talking about it I can appreciate an open minded skeptic for his views in this forum it is the other views such as the laughter is the best medicine comment why can't everyone give an answer that can help the person asking it rather than belittle them with snyde remarks answer the question with the same sincerity it was asked I very much believe in the paranormal and when it comes to this topic it is good to get views from both sides my advice to you is listen to the sincere answers and blow off the rest of the childish nonsense

  8. skeptics keep coming here to keep giving us the same old excuses....see link

    EDIT ..LOL peter.. Mr. voting king lol, its just all in your head, magical thinking isnt that right...or its just not possible...

    and yeah you like coming in here to laugh at people,s claims, and tell them its not possible, but why isnt it?? cause science cannt prove it, and because you have never had an that gives you the power to tell people, its just not possible....or its all in your head....and have a great laugh at other people.....

  9. I enjoy it. It's a pleasant online diversion, I think the paranormal (real or not) is interesting, and it's a bonus when I can help someone.

    EDIT:  LOL, Peter.

  10. Reader's Digest said it best:

    "Laughter Is the Best Medicine!"

  11. A true skeptic isn't narrow minded.....Maybe they come here because they are open to the possibility, and are looking to see for themselves.

    I don't know, I am skeptical, but I look because maybe there is, and maybe someone or something posted here can sway me.

    FYI, skeptic doesn't mean non-believer!

  12. Because despite all the silliness, there's a small core of paranormal phenomena that is intriguing and quite worthy of scientific enquiry.

  13. My motivation here is to provide another perspective for the undecided people who come here seeking information.  I am the counterweight to the true and avid believer.

    I also come here out of curiosity.  I like to hear about the new claims being made.

    EDIT: 333 seems to be a bit bitter, doesn't she?  That's ironic, considering what she's had to say lately about the behavior of skeptics.

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