It seems they are all put in one large group of morons by the people on this internet community. But does anyone realize there is a difference between the people who deny that the earth is warming, and the people who know its warming but dont think its caused by us? I would say there are two different groups of non believers.
I think there are far too many unknowns, no computer model can predict something so complex as the atmosphere. I do NOT believe they can come up with a global temperature average. What do they use to calculate it? Is it done by satellite? If so, then how can they be sure of the global temperature average before the use of satellites? Ice cores only tell you what its like at the location of the ice... so that isnt as reliable as people think. For instance, the global average is up like one degree but its 12 degrees at the arctic. Also, how do they come up with co2 level, shouldnt it vary around the world depending on your proximity to the major sources