
Ski/Snowboard Question?

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lol so i hav a few questions

1.What do you guys wear underneath you're snow jacket?

2.Underneath Snow Pants?

3.What are the best goggles that are also fashionable?

Any other tips about going up on the mountain and looking cool up there? thanks




  1. 1&2

    long underwear or long underwear and a sweat shirt. but you should wear something tight to you body

  2. 1. you should wear two layers underneath you ski-jacket. a swetshirt: it will keep you very warm if your jacket fails to do so, and a t-shirt/long sleeve tshirt: just for added protection from the cold *option: you can also wear under armour as a 3rd layer or substitute for 2 layer if you want.

    2: underwear: for obvious reasons, and longunderwear/pajama pants: long underwear will keep you warm and they work great. i personally wear my plaid pajama bottoms (more like sweatpants, they look like sweatpants) either one will work.

    * also you can wear underarmour underwear too, but its not totally necessary

    3. *i copied this from another answer i made*

    . anon goggles are great, but im not so sure about the see-through-ness, some goggles have a great tint, so great to the point its liek a mirror. but the goggles with the higher tints are generally way more expensicve. electric makes good goggles too, but the same thing, more money = more tint. oakley is a great brand. i prefer them above all others. chaun white uses them, so they have to be good and so does Terje haakonsen (spelling?) they too are more expensive for a greater tint, but their lenses are all-together better. Better frames, better lenses,better quality. you can also customize them at go with Oakleys, or if you must Anons.

    oakleys are by far the most stylish (if you will) goggles. they look the best, feel the best and act the best. (strongly fog resistant) anons are okay, less cool looking and less of quality but still decent. electrics okay, last resort if you have too.

    other tips: its not about looking cool, its about how good you are. no matter what you wear, if your good, people will recognize you, and not for your clothes. hope this helped

    good luck

  3. 1. Sweatshirt and a t-shirt. Depends on how cold it is.

    2. Underwear?!? lol

    3. Dunno.

    Tips- You'll want to prepare yourself, physically and mentally. Look up skiing/snowboarding tips on some reliable sites, like ehow, wikpedia's how to pages, and stuff like that. Stretch, feel good, and most of all, relax!

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