
Ski care without the advantages of modern 'waxes' etc.?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question about general ski care a week or two ago and got some highly educational and lovely replies. The problem is that I live in Bulgaria and don't have the advantage of a local ski/sports shop that stocks the recommended waxes etc. I therefore need to be able to use a basic alternative that is readily available. I can't buy via the internet before anyone suggests it either. can I use bee's wax or is that not the same?




  1. no, just keep them dry. DRY is the main thing that why it doesnt rust. then the next time u go skking get a tune up

  2. A light coating of oil on the metal parts will protect them until they are serviced.

  3. Bee's wax is sticky compared to what is used for downhill skiing. Candle wax is preferred for most of the base waxes. Or my preferred is canning wax, which is nearly the same as candle wax.

      The bee's wax has more resin in it than the others.  It will work for preserving the base, just not slide very well.  Good luck.

  4. Bee's wax is not even close to the same thing.  Like the other poster said, keep them dry and get them tuned next time you go skiing.  Why can't you order online?

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