
Ski trip???

by Guest67123  |  earlier

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im going snowboarding in the begining of january.. well idk if im snowboarding or skiing yet?? ppl said that skiing is much easier but snowboarding is not too difficult and can be more fun, the thing is i can wakeboard and i cant water ski, and i surfed for 7 years.. so im kinda of a sideways person but w.e.. w.e i pick will be fun i think..

but my main question is... how should i prepare myself for a ski trip?? what should i take and not take?? what should i buy?? how do i do about that??

thanks for your time!!

really appreciate it!!!




  1. here's abreakdown based on my past experience:  on ski's you'll be able to go 80 miles/hour on your first day but have a harder time with techniques(turning). on a board you'll go slower but cant hit more advanced terrainm quicker(at least thats what happened to me) your ski's/board at the resort....take ski pants/ jackets, goggles, gloves, and a hat...pretty much the stuff you would wear if you were going out to play in the snow in your bacvkyard...dont buy anything expensive until you're sure you want to stick with it 'cause the gear can be pricey(but if you research you could find great deals online too)...if you can surf, you can probably board--same heel to toe action with a sideways stance...good luck and dont give up after busting your *** on the first day--it'll click pretty quick(maybe even during the afternoon of your first day) the way, where are you going?  'cause that makes a difference too-choose a resort that is geared towards your ability level meaning lots of green and some blue trails, some places are more geared towards advanced riders

  2. Start working out everyday at the gym, now. Lots of cardio and leg work, you'll be in great condition to last all day.

  3. it depends what you like if you are more into doing tricks then do snowboarding. Skiing is easier but i found it incredibly boring. I loved snowboarding from the first minute i tried it

  4. It is generally accepted that Snowboarding is easier to pick up the basics and make it down the bunny hill without crashing than Skiing. I was going down intermediate runs on my third day of snowboarding - this usually takes a season on skis.

    Once you get to the intermediate level, skiing is much easier to advance in. You will typically be able to ski moguls and very difficult steep terrain easier on skis and you will master these skills and move to an advanced skier in a couple of season.

    Snowboarding takes a long time to get really good. There are a lot of very subtle techniques since you only have one edge and no poles it requires a lot of balance, skill and technique to become really good. Then there is learning tricks in the park and carving on the runs - that is the beauty of snowboarding - you can improve for years without getting bored like you do skiing.

    If you like to get good at something quickly and then just cruise around - ski. If you like to continually push yourself to improve and learn new things - snowboard.

    Good Luck

    Skiing is actually MORE expensive for the equipment, so that shouldn't be a factor.

  5. Hey. I asked a similar question a while back. I too am a new skier. The first two or three times I ever went I snowboarded. It was a little difficult to get down. After that I tried skiing because it was cheaper. Skiing is MUCH easier to get down. I water ski, but skiing doesn't take the same ability. Water skiing is much harder because of the strain required to get up. Snow skiing pretty much just means staying stable to go downhill. Snowboarding is a little "cooler" but I think you'll have more fun skiing because you'll be better by the end of your trip. Find good lodging though! I don't know what area you are going to, but if you can afford a vacation home that you can ski right out onto the slopes, do it. I can never afford those, so I try to find vacation homes. Also, finding a cabin an hour or so away from the resort can save you some $. As far as what to bring, the only thing I wholeheartedly recommend is a good set of tinted goggles. The cold air will really make your eyes tear up and the snow creates some nasty glare. Get them from Ebay - resorts rape you w/their prices. Try to get double lense w/vents on the top or they'll fog bad. Wear water resistant clothes that dry easy - I wear Carhartt coveralls (look goofy but keep me warm). Cottons tend to hold too much water. Wool socks are a must! They get soaking wet and your feet are still warm. Smart Wools are the way to go. Any hunting or camping store will have them. Try Cabelas or Gander Mountain. Have fun & good luck!
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